
The Emails feature in ReadyCMS allows you to configure and manage email communication with your customers. Learn how to customize templates, automate order notifications, and optimize email settings to improve engagement and enhance the customer experience.



Email is one of the most important parts of any business. Whether you want to communicate with your customers or to receive important information, email is the most popular and effective business tool.

This page shows you how to set up your default store email, and how to manage shop email templates.

Default store email

This email will serve as the main utility for sending and receiving notifications about orders, customers, etc. The default email address is shown in the footer of the email template.

If your customer receives a no-reply email about an order but still has some questions or issues, the default email address shown in the footer will allow him to contact you for further assistance.



All emails are sent using the SMTP authentication.

To learn about SMTP authentication, refer to SMTP Settings.

How to set up Default store email

  1. Login: Sign in to your ReadyCMS account
  2. Navigate: Go to the Settings dropdown menu and click on Shop > Emails in the Settings dropdown menu
  3. Fill-in: Enter the store email in the text field
  4. Update: Click the Update button to save the changes

Shop email templates

Shop email templates are presented in a table of shop-related templates. These fully customizable templates are used for automated email service.

To manage and customize shop email templates, refer to the Managing email templates page.


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