Customer order stats

Learn how ReadyCMS provides detailed insights into customer purchasing behavior, including order frequency and value. Use these stats to understand your customers and optimize your business strategy.



Customer order statistics are a compilation of all order information related to a particular customer. These stats contain order status information, order timetable, payment info, and can help you create sales campaigns, offer discounts to important customers, etc.

How to view customer order statistics?

  1. Sign in to your ReadyCMS account
  2. Click on Shop > Customers on the main menu (navigation bar)
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  3. On the Customers page, you will see the list of customers
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  4. Clicking the View button (button with the eye icon) next to a customer will allow access to that specific customer's information
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    The information is provided by the customer either during the ordering process or during the registration (if the customer is a registered user).
  5. Go to the eCommerce tab
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    There you can see the Orders timetable line chart...
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    ... and the customer's stats related to orders, payment, shipping, etc.

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