Wholesale price and discounts



What is wholesale?

Wholesale is the sale of commodities in large quantity usually for resale (as by a retail merchant)

Wholesaling is the selling of merchandise to anyone either a person or an organization other than the end consumer of that merchandise.

Wholesale is, basically, the sale of goods to anyone other than a standard consumer.

By buying products in bulk one can save money through discounts that wholesale get with larger orders. This means that one can get products for less while selling them for more.

How to set a wholesale price

  1. Sign in to your ReadyCMS account
  2. Click on Shop Products All Products
  3. In the list of products choose the product to which you want to add the price and click the Edit button
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  4. On the Edit product page select the Price & Variables tab
  5. Enter the product price
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  6. If the product has multiple variants, prices are managed in the Price & Variants section of the same tab
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  7. Click the Save button to confirm the changes.

If you want to learn more about discounts and wholesale, refer to the Discount rules for wholesale users page.


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