Product details

Each product is defined in numerous ways. Based on the information those details provide, we divided product pages into different sections (or simply put - tabs).

General details

The steps from the Adding new products manual page will take you to the General tab of a product page. There you can add a title of that product page, add a description, short description but also a manufacturer, picture, gallery, category, or tag.

Prices & Variants

Inside the Prices & Variants tab, you can set the various codes (barcodes and SKUs), product prices (regular, sale, wholesale), inventory, product variants, and other combinatorial options.


Inside the Shipping tab, you can define the delivery conditions and weight for each product.


Inside the Stock tab, you can manage the product stock for added stock locations.


Inside the Attributes tab, you can add and define product attributes.


Inside the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) tab, you can define SEO settings and social network interactions.

If you want to learn more about SEO for ReadyCMS, refer to the General settings page.

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