Deleting manufacturers

If you wish to completely remove a manufacturer from your website (e.g, you will not be selling their product in the future), you have an option to delete said manufacturer from your list of manufacturers.

How to delete manufacturers

  1. Sign in to your ReadyCMS account
  2. Go to Shop > Manufacturers > All manufacturers
    Adding and editing manufacturers-2
  3. From the list of manufacturers find the manufacturer you want to delete and click the drop-down button
  4. In the drop-down menu select the Delete option (in the form of a trashcan)
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  5. Clicking the Delete option will open an additional field in which you must confirm the delete action by typing in the safety word Delete
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  6. If you finished all the previous steps, you will receive a message that the delete action was performed successfully
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If you wish to remove a manufacturer from your website, but you wish to preserve the manufacturer's information (e.g., you don't have their product on offer currently, but you might start selling it in the future), you can do that by following few simple steps.

How to remove a manufacturer from the website

  1. Sign in to your ReadyCMS account
  2. Go to Shop Manufacturers All manufacturers
    Adding and editing manufacturers-2
  3. In the list of manufacturers click on the Edit button (next to the manufacturer you need to edit)
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  4. On the Edit manufacturer page, change the status to Draft
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  5. Click the Save button to save changes

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