Product barcode

A barcode (or bar code) is a method of representing data in a visual, machine-readable form. These codes are linear or one-dimensional (1D), represented with vertical lines. Every barcode has its human-readable numeric value.

In the Price section of the Price & Variants tab, you can add a numeric product barcode.

How to add a product barcode

To add the barcode to a product, take the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your ReadyCMS account
  2. Click on Shop > Products > Add new
    Product barcode-0
  3. Go to the Price & Variables tab of the Add product page
    Product barcode-0
  4. Enter the numeric barcode in the Barcode text field (Pricing section)
    Product barcode-1
  5. Click the Save button to confirm the changes

If you want to learn how to change the barcode of the already existing product, refer to the Changing product barcode page.

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