Order status

The status of the order is used to monitor the progress of the order, from the moment when the potential customer adds the product to the shopping cart, until the moment when the goods reach that customer and the payment is made.

Order status in ReadyCMS

It is highly important to use the order status when managing your orders properly. Selecting the correct status will influence your product inventory (e.g., by setting the order status as completed, your product stock will automatically be reduced by the selected amount).

If you have multiple store locations, the stock is managed per those locations.
Learn more about managing stock per location.

Order status-0

Order status list:

  • Pending Payment
    The customer has completed the checkout process, but payment has yet to be confirmed (order received, no payment initiated). For example, using a bank transfer (via payment slip).
    Stock is not reduced.
  • Failed
    The payment failed, was declined (unpaid), or requires authentication (SCA). Refers to online payment methods.
    Stock is not reduced.
  • Pending
    The order is pending when the customer completes the checkout process, but the store employee (admin) hasn't started the processing.
    Stock is not reduced.
  • Processing
    The customer has completed the checkout process, payment has been confirmed, and the admin has started processing the order.
    Stock is not reduced.
  • On hold
    Awaiting payment or some other confirmation.
    Stock is not reduced.
  • Preparing for shipping
    Order status for orders that are being processed and prepared for shipping. This includes tasks such as printing physical labels for packages and packing products.
  • Awaiting courier
    This status will automatically be assigned when a request for package pickup is sent to the courier service.
  • Shipped
    The order has been shipped, but the receipt has not been confirmed.
    Changing the order's status to shipped will reduce the product stock.
  • Ready for pickup
    The order is ready for pickup at the store location.
    Changing the order's status to Ready for pickup will reduce the stock.
  • Completed
    The order has been shipped/picked up, and the receipt is confirmed; the client has paid for their product.
    Changing the order's status to completed will reduce the stock.
    If the order status was first set as shipped/ready for pickup, and then set to being completed, stock will be reduced only once.
  • Returned (refunded)
    The customer has returned the product and the seller(admin) has refunded the whole order.
    Stock is restored (previously reduced stock is added again).
  • Canceled
    Order can be canceled by an admin or the customer, due to a stock inconsistency or some other reason. Canceling an order will not refund the order.
    Stock is neither reduced nor increased.
  • Abandoned
    Order is abandoned when a customer abandons the cart (does not finish the ordering process).

So how does it work?


  1. A customer places an order for a certain product.
    The status of the order is automatically set to pending.
  2. An admin (e.g., a shop employee) starts processing the order.
    The status of the order should be changed to processing.
  3. The order is shipped or prepared for in-store pickup.
    The status should be changed to shipped (or ready for pickup). ReadyCMS will automatically reduce the stock of the product for the amount ordered.
  4. The carrier service delivered the product.
    The status is now completed.
Make sure to always properly update your orders. Wrong order status will lead to wrong data (e.g., stock numbers will not correspond reality), which will lead to corrupted analytics.

Learn how to change an order's status.


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