
An invoice is a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer, that contains sale transaction information like products sold, quantities, and agreed prices for products or services the seller had provided the buyer.

How to send an invoice

  1. Sign in to your ReadyCMS account
  2. Go to the Shop > Orders > All orders
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  3. You will see the list of orders on the Orders page
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  4. Find the order for which you want to send an invoice
  5. Click on the View button
  6. This will take you to the view order page where you can see various info (such as order details, billing/shipping/company info, price/discounts)
    Order confirmation-2
  7. Click the Send email drop-down button and select the Invoice option
  8. Choose the language of the email template
  9. Click the Send email button

Learn how to notify the customer that their order has been shipped.

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