Creating and managing discount rules

Learn how to create and manage discount rules in ReadyCMS to optimize your promotions. Set up user-specific, product-based, and order-related discounts with flexible conditions to enhance sales and customer engagement.



Discount rules in ReadyCMS allow you to set up and manage discounts with precision. To create targeted promotions, you can define conditions based on coupon codes, user groups, order values, product categories, and more.

This guide will walk you through creating, editing, and managing discount rules effectively.

A screenshot of the Discount Rules page in ReadyCMS, displaying a list of active discount rules. The table includes columns for discount title, order conditions, user and product targeting, discount type, and sorting order. Each discount rule has an 'Edit' button for modifications, and options include free shipping, percentage discounts, and conditions like minimum order amount or user group eligibility.

Activated discounts are marked with a green light next to their names.

Step-by-step guide: Creating a discount rule

 Step 1: Access the discounts section
  • Login to your ReadyCMS account
  • Navigate to Shop > Discount rules.
  • Click the +ADD NEW DISCOUNT RULE button on the top right (or ADD NEW RULE button if there are none created)
    A screenshot of the Discount Rules page in ReadyCMS displaying an empty state. The message 'No discount rules' appears, indicating that no discounts have been added yet. Below the message, there is a blue 'Add New Rule' button for creating a new discount rule.
Step 2: Configure basic discount details
  • Title: Enter a descriptive name for your discount rule.
    A screenshot of the 'Add New Discount Rule' page in ReadyCMS. The interface includes a title field where users can enter a descriptive name for the discount rule. A green 'Save' button is visible in the top-right corner, along with an option to view all discount rules.
Step 3: Coupon code (Optional)
  • If the discount requires a coupon code, enter it here.
  • Customers must enter this code at checkout to activate the discount.
    A screenshot of the 'Coupon Code' section in ReadyCMS. This section allows users to define a unique coupon code that customers must enter to apply the discount. A text input field is available for entering the coupon code.
Step 4: Set targeting rules
  • User targeting: 
    • Select specific user groups eligible for the discount.
    • Choose individual users if applicable.
  • Order targeting:
    • Set a minimum purchase amount for eligibility.
    • Define a minimum number of previous purchases if required.
      A screenshot of the User and Order Targeting section in ReadyCMS discount settings. The User Targeting section allows selecting specific user groups or individual users eligible for the discount. The Order Targeting section enables setting conditions like a minimum purchase amount and the required number of previous purchases for the discount to apply.
Step 5: Product targeting
  • Choose specific products or categories eligible for the discount.
  • Exclude certain products, categories, or product tags if necessary.
    A screenshot of the Product Targeting section in ReadyCMS discount settings. This section allows users to specify which products, product categories, or product tags are eligible for a discount. Additionally, users can exclude specific products, categories, or tags from the discount application.
Step 6: Define discount type & value
  • Choose between:
    • Percentage discount (e.g., 10% off).
    • Fixed amount discount (e.g., $20 off).
    • Free shipping (removes shipping fees).
  • Enter the discount value.
    A screenshot of the Discount selection panel in ReadyCMS, displaying three options: Free Shipping, Percentage Discount (with a % input field), and Fixed Amount Discount (with a € input field). Users can select one of these discount types to apply to their rule.
Step 7: Set usage limits & priority
  • Decide whether the discount can be used unlimited times or specify a maximum usage limit.
  • Define the validity period (start and end date).
  • Set the priority (lower numbers take priority over higher numbers).
    A screenshot of the Usage Limits section in ReadyCMS discount settings. This section allows users to define how often a discount can be used, set a maximum discount amount, specify a validity period, and determine the priority order in which discount rules are applied.
Step 8: Additional settings
  • Before-tax discounts: Choose whether the discount applies before or after tax calculations.
  • Stop further discounts: Prevent additional discounts from stacking on top of this one.
    A screenshot of the Additional Settings section in ReadyCMS discount rules. This section includes options to activate the discount rule, apply it to wholesale prices, calculate the discount before tax, and stop further discounts from being applied after this one.
Step 9: Save & activate
  • Click "Save" to store the discount rule.
  • Toggle Activate discount rule button if you want it to take effect immediately.

An animated GIF showing how to enable a discount rule in ReadyCMS. The user toggles the 'Activate discount rule' switch, along with options to apply it to wholesale prices, apply before tax, and stop further discounts. The process is completed by clicking the 'Save' button.

Managing discount rules

The discount feature in ReadyCMS allows you to set up and manage discounts with ease and precision.

How to edit a discount rule

  1. Go to Shop > Discounts.
  2. Find the discount you want to edit and click Edit.
  3. Make the necessary changes and Save.
    Discount Rules list in ReadyCMS displaying multiple discount rules with details such as title, conditions, applicable users and products, discount type, and sorting order. Each discount rule has an 'Edit' button for modifications, allowing users to manage their discount strategies effectively.

How to delete a discount rule

  1. Navigate to Shop > Discounts.
  2. Click the Delete icon next to the discount rule.
  3. Confirm the deletion.
    Discount Rules list in ReadyCMS with the delete option expanded. The 'More options' button is clicked, revealing a 'Delete' action to move the selected discount rule to the trash.

How to disable a discount rule

  • Instead of deleting, you can disable a discount rule by toggling the Active switch off.
  • This allows you to reactivate the discount later without having to recreate it.
    An animated GIF demonstrating how to disable a discount rule in ReadyCMS. The user toggles the 'Activate discount rule' switch off, deactivating the discount. Other options, such as applying the discount to wholesale prices and stopping further discounts, remain unchanged. The action is confirmed by clicking the 'Save' button.

What's next?

Learn how discounts interact with tax settings, before_tax mode, and show_with_tax configurations in Understanding tax and discounts.

Previous Topic: Discounts overview

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